January 30, 2019

Senator Abrams Joins Unanimous Vote in Favor of Diverse Panel of Superior Court Judges

State Senator Mary Daugherty Abrams (D-Meriden) today joined a unanimous and bipartisan vote to reappoint four ethnically and politically diverse judges to another eight-year term on the Connecticut Superior Court.

Sen. Abrams voted today to reappoint:

  • Democrat Mohammad Nawaz Wahla of Glastonbury, who retired as a major after 20 years in the Pakistan Army. He received law degrees from the University of Punjab in 1974, the University of Texas at Austin in 1991 and the University of Houston in 1998, and formed his own law firm, Wahla & Associates, in 1999.
  • Republican Hunchu Kwak of West Hartford, a native of Korea and a graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and the University of Connecticut School of Law
  • Democrat John M. Newson, of Brooklyn, a former public defender and lifetime member of the NAACP who graduated from the University of Rhode Island and the Western New England College School of Law.
  • Republican Lisa Kelly Morgan of Wethersfield. She is a graduate of Villanova University and the UConn School of Law and is the former head of her own law firm, Ruben, Morgan & Horan.

“These judges represent the best of Connecticut, which underscores their unanimous support,” Sen. Abrams said. “By reappointing these skilled and tenured judges, we ensure our courts will be led by honest and fair leaders, keeping the state in good hands.”