February 15, 2019

Senator Abrams Supports Testimony For Key Healthcare Bills Benefitting Women And Families

HARTFORD, CT –State Senator Mary Daugherty Abrams (D-Meriden, Middlefield, Rockfall, Middletown, Cheshire) on Thursday supported testimony heard in front of the General Assembly’s Labor and Public Employees Committee for key healthcare bills that would benefit women and families.

Sen. Abrams supported testimony on the positive impacts of Senate Bill No. 1, “An Act Concerning Paid Family and Medical Leave,” a bill she introduced to the General Assembly along with a Democratic coalition of Representatives and Senators. Dozens of individuals signed up to testify on this and other legislation. She additionally signed on to written testimony submitted by the Senate Democrats.

If approved, this legislation would create a state fund, to go into effect in 2021, that would supply up to twelve weeks of paid family and medical leave to employees who are welcoming a new child into their family, are caring for a family member with a serious health condition, or themselves are dealing with a serious health condition.

“All too often, we hear stories about people forced to return to work just after the birth of their child, or while they’re grappling with the challenges of caring for a sick loved one, or even returning to work themselves while fighting a serious illness,” said Sen. Abrams. “This legislation, which would cost just one penny out of every $2 an individual makes, would provide up to three months of paid leave, helping to give young families the time they need to bond with their children, and give workers of all ages more time to focus on helping their loved ones, or even themselves, recover from illness. This is legislation that would help fight for the working family and our state’s workforce as a whole.”

Sen. Abrams additionally provided joint testimony alongside Sen. Christine Cohen (D-Guilford), Sen. Mae Flexer (D-Killingly) and Sen. Marilyn Moore (D-Bridgeport) in support of House Bill No. 7043, “An Act Concerning Breastfeeding in the Workplace.” All four Senators introduced that bill, which would amend state statutes and require employers to provide a reasonable effort to provide a private space in which women can breastfeed or expel breastmilk, to the General Assembly. That bill is intended to support working families and mothers who wish to breastfeed up to the first three years of their child’s life.

“This bill is intended to support parents and children alike across Connecticut, making it easier to be a productive worker and have a healthy family,” said Sen. Abrams.

About Mary Daugherty Abrams: State Senator Mary Daugherty Abrams was first elected in 2018 to represent the thirteenth Senate District which consists of Meriden, Middlefield, Rockfall and parts of Middletown and Cheshire. Before being elected to the Senate in her first-ever political race, Abrams taught special education for 25 years before transitioning to administration, where she worked as director of special education and as high school assistant principal.

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