Saud Anwar

State Senator

Saud Anwar

Deputy President Pro Tempore

Working For You

August 14, 2020

Senator Anwar Disappointed to See South Windsor ‘Black Lives Matter’ Sign Vandalized

Senate Photo

South Windsor ‘Black Lives Matter’ Sign Vandalized

State Senator Saud Anwar (D-South Windsor) today said he was disappointed to learn of recent vandalism in South Windsor. A mural reading “Black Lives Matter” was removed this week after it was defaced and vandalized by an unknown person. Media reports indicated that person painted phrases including profanity and “Blue Lives Matter” over the mural. Students and alumni of South Windsor Public Schools painted the mural in front of Town Hall in June.

“I am saddened to learn of the vandalism in South Windsor where, most likely, an individual has taken it upon him or herself to deface the Black Lives Matter sign,” said Sen. Anwar. “This action of an individual does not reflect the views and perspectives of the people of South Windsor. I stand with Mayor Andrew Paterna and the members of the Town Council, especially those who have made clear where they stand regarding respecting and acknowledging all of our citizens, especially Black ones, in the town of South Windsor.”

“I want the people in the communities of South Windsor, Connecticut and beyond to know these actions do not represent the kind, generous and respectful community of South Windsor, which believes in coexistence and a collective, unified future. I believe anyone looking at binary views of the rights and protections of minorities as being against law enforcement will harm the long-term strength and unity of our town and state. It’s time for people to have real conversations to develop respect and empathy toward others’ perspectives. We have to be kind as people and not do unto others as we would not want done unto us.”

Senate Photo

Picture Before the South Windsor ‘Black Lives Matter’ Sign Was Vandalized