Today, State Senator Saud Anwar (D-South Windsor) addressed a letter to Eversource, the electrical utility company responsible for power generation for the majority of Connecticut, asking several questions directly related to the company’s response to Hurricane Isaias. High winds that reached peaks of more than 60 miles per hour caused extensive damage across the state of Connecticut, leaving more than 600,000 Eversource customers without power.
Sen. Anwar wrote the letter acknowledging that Eversource recently drew attention for imposing an “aggressive” rate increase. “Given the recency of that increase and considering the company’s sluggish response to Hurricane Isaias, I hope I could be provided answers to the following questions,” he wrote, asking about Eversource executives’ average annual raises and for specifics regarding changes Eversource has made to improve response to extreme weather events.
Several storms in the past decade, including Hurricane Irene, Hurricane Sandy and a 2011 October snowstorm, drew lengthy repair processes and led to extensive power outages in the past. Eversource has, in recent years, raised prices to account for what it said would be an increased response to extreme weather conditions.
The letter in full is reprinted below.
August 5, 2020
Dear Eversource,
From my perspective as a former Mayor and current State Senator, it appears that Eversource’s response to Hurricane Isaias suffers in the same areas as its response to past storms, most prominently a snowstorm in October 2011. In recent weeks, Eversource also drew attention for imposing an aggressive rate increase; given the recency of that increase and considering the company’s sluggish response to Hurricane Isaias, I hope I could be provided answers to the following questions:
1. What is the average annual raise given to the top executives at Eversource?
2. Since 2011, what changes has Eversource implemented to improve its response to extreme weather events?
3. Since 2011, what capital investments has Eversource made into its electrical infrastructure in our state, particularly to harden it against extreme weather events?
4. How much has Eversource invested in the recruitment, retention, and regional coordination of its lineman workforce?
5. What preparations did Eversource make in advance of Hurricane Isaias and how did the company manage its impact?
6. What is the company doing to ensure the speedy restoration of electricity for the nearly 700,000 rate payers who lost power?
I look forward to reviewing your response.
Saud Anwar
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