Today, State Senator Saud Anwar (D-South Windsor) joined passage of a bill that would require input from residents’ councils and family councils at long-term care facilities on any state-wide policies affecting living conditions for residents in these facilities.
“Among the many things revealed by the COVID-19 outbreak was that we need better standards in place for residents of long-term care facilities, and their families, to advocate for themselves,” said Sen. Anwar. “This legislation will add power to residents’ families and benefit residents’ lives by giving a council of family members the power to express their concerns and submit testimony on any proposals impacting their loved ones. This makes sure these residents and their families have the agency and ability to ensure optimal care.”
Senate Bill 973, “An Act Strengthening The Voice Of Residents And Family Councils,” gives a voice to those who reside in long-term care facilities and their family council. The family council is comprised of family members of residents of long-term care facilities that bring concerns to management about residents’ living conditions and care.
Under this bill, it will be required for family councils to be able to express their concerns over new policies or future proposals that would have an impact on their loved one living in a long-term care facility. The family members would be encouraged to submit testimony on any new proposals that impact a long-term care facility.
Also, under this bill, any state-wide task force studying issues concerning living or care conditions at long-term care facilities, will include representatives of residents including their family. The members of the task force will schedule meetings that provide family a chance to speak their concern, whether the meeting is in-person or remote.
Older and disabled people can speak for themselves and they should be invited to participate in conversations about their own health, safety, and futures. They deserve the opportunity to discuss how policy proposals will impact their daily lives and to share their ideas for how policies can best meet their needs.
Family councils can provide vital data, accounts of experiences, and knowledge of daily operations occurring in a facility. Task force members can learn from residents in which procedures excel, fail, or need adjusting.
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