Saud Anwar

State Senator

Saud Anwar

Deputy President Pro Tempore

Working For You

June 5, 2021

Sen. Anwar Joins Senate Passage Of Education Bill Requiring Development Of State-Wide Virtual School Plan

Early this morning, State Senator Saud Anwar (D-South Windsor) joined the Senate’s passage of legislation updating state education statutes, particularly encouraged by an amendment to the legislation that will require the State Department of Education to develop a state-wide virtual school plan.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, virtual schooling became a necessary and vital tool to keep students connected to their classwork; in recent months, even as conditions have improved, constituents who are medically compromised and face long-term concerns due to the pandemic have contacted his office and discussed the need for long-term virtual education.

In addition to the addition of the virtual school plan for House Bill 6621, “An Act Concerning Assorted Revisions And Additions To The Education Statutes,” amendments to the bill further include provisions on social-emotional learning, an approach that seeks to better meet students’ needs in the education process, among other significant changes.

“The COVID-19 pandemic is not over, and numerous families statewide remain concerned about the damaging potential of the virus,” said Sen. Anwar. “Medically compromised families deserve access to education that does not put them at risk, and as such, I am grateful that provisions for long-term virtual learning in Connecticut will remain in place for those in need with the development of this new plan. We need to make sure every one of our students have the resources and ability to succeed in ways that keep them safe.”