Saud Anwar

State Senator

Saud Anwar

Deputy President Pro Tempore

Working For You

August 17, 2021

Senator Anwar Proud of 100% Voting Record During 2021 Legislative Session

Given the unique and difficult circumstances surrounding the 2021 legislative session, State Senator Saud Anwar (D-South Windsor) today was proud to announce he achieved a 100% voting record, giving his district a voice in every matter voted on by the General Assembly. Sen. Anwar voted 479 times from January to June.

“This legislative session was one like no other, with arduous challenges, countless Zoom calls and rapidly changing parameters,” said Sen. Anwar. “I am part of seven committees, including Chair of the Children’s Committee, Vice Chair of the Housing, Insurance and Real Estate and Public Health, and a member of the Appropriations, Judiciary and Planning and Development Committees. During this time, due to my profession as a doctor, I had significant medical obligations due to COVID-19, and also suffered the loss of my brother to the virus. Despite these obstacles, I was able to stay with each meeting and vote on every topic. That’s what the voters and the 3rd Senate District trusted me to do.”

Sen. Anwar was one of 14 Senators to achieve a 100% voting record, with 12 of those Senators including himself being Democrats.