Saud Anwar

State Senator

Saud Anwar

Deputy President Pro Tempore

Working For You

November 18, 2022

Senator Anwar Releases Statement In Response To Proposed Eversource Rate Increase

Today, State Senator Saud Anwar (D-South Windsor) released the following statement in response to Eversource Energy’s Thursday announcement that it is seeking a rate increase that could cost average residents from $80 to more than $100 extra per month from January to June 2023:

“I have serious concerns about this proposed rate increase, especially given the significant challenges so many are having in this difficult economic climate. I urge the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority to take whatever action it can to counter Eversource’s proposal. At a time when our state continues to recover from the pandemic and families are facing increased costs, no matter the state of the energy market, this will harm the well-being of those families and have an especially negative impact on the well-being of our seniors and our most vulnerable populations. This is not acceptable.”

“For my impacted constituents, information about the Connecticut Energy Assistance Program is available at this link:—Winter-Heating/How-To-Apply.

Information about Operation Fuel is available here:

Eversoucre payment assistance programs are available here:”