Saud Anwar

State Senator

Saud Anwar

Deputy President Pro Tempore

Working For You

March 14, 2023


Today, the East Windsor legislative delegation including State Senator Saud Anwar (D-South Windsor), State Representative Jaime Foster (D-Ellington) and State Representative Carol Hall (R-Enfield) welcomed the Connecticut Community Investment Fund 2030 Board’s approval of $4 million in funding supporting an extension of the town’s public water drinking line to more than 100 new units.

The CIF2030 said this award will support extending that line along Windsorville and Old Ellington Road to provide drinking water to 31 residences with contaminated wells and the East Windsor Housing Authority’s Park Hill complex of 84 units. This extension will further allow for the Housing Authority to implement a second phase with an additional 123 new affordable housing units.

“I’m grateful to Governor Lamont and the Community Investment Fund, including Sen. Looney and Rep. Ritter, for their important support of this East Windsor project,” said Sen. Anwar. “Not only will the funds go toward dozens of homes receiving safe drinking water, but this project will allow for the development of new affordable housing, which is sorely needed in our community and many others across the state.”

“I worked hard with House leadership to ensure this project was a priority. This is a good strategic investment in town,” said Rep. Foster. “The 31 homes along Windsorville Road and Old Ellington Road, and the residents living in the Park Hill complex, should have access to safe and reliable drinking water, and with this project’s completion, that will happen. No one should have to question whether or not their water is safe to consume.”

“Residents across Connecticut deserve to have clean drinking water, so I’m thrilled East Windsor will be receiving the necessary CIF grant funding to help remedy that issue for residents along Windsorville and Old Ellington Road with contaminated wells,” Rep. Hall said. “The remaining portion of this grant will be used toward the expansion of affordable housing, something we all acknowledge is desperately needed.”