January 23, 2019

Bradley Votes to Approve Diverse, 
Bipartisan Group of Superior Court Judges


Today State Senator Dennis Bradley (D-Bridgeport) voted for the approval of four (4) Superior Court judge’s. Sen. Bradley voted for the approval of the following judge’s, all nominated by Governor Ned Lamont:


  • The Honorable Lisa Kelly Morgan (Wethersfield)
  • The Honorable M. Nawaz Wahla (Glastonbury)
  • The Honorable Hunchu Kwak (Portland)
  • The Honorable John M. Newson (Brooklyn)


“I’m pleased to vote for the approval of such a diverse group of judge’s,” Sen. Bradley said. “They not only bring different viewpoints, but also intelligence and experience to continue to serve this state fairly.”


The group of judges will now be voted on by the entire State Senate and House of Representatives. If approved by both chamber of the General Assembly the judges will serve another 8 year term on the Superior Court.

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