September 30, 2016

Bye Welcomes State Funding for Trout Brook Trail Phase 3

WEST HARTFORD—State Senator Beth Bye (D-West Hartford) today welcomed State Bond Commission approval of a $500,000 state grant to assist West Hartford with completing Phase 3 of the Trout Brook Multi-Use Trail, which will ultimately connect New Park Avenue with Asylum Street via a 10-foot wide paved path accessible by bicyclists, pedestrians, joggers and others.

Funding for the trail was included in this year’s state bonding package (Senate Bill 503, Public Act 16-4), which was approved on an overwhelming and bipartisan 34-2 vote in the state Senate, and by a unanimous and bipartisan 134-0 vote in the state House of Representatives.

“I advocated very strongly for this state aid, and I’m happy to see that West Hartford residents will not only be able to reap the benefits of safer biking and walking outdoors, but that their property taxes won’t have to shoulder the entire cost of this project,” Sen. Bye said. “Getting people off of the roads and onto a trail is a safer and more enjoyable way to bike or jog, to walk your dog or push a baby carriage. This trail will ultimately connect two different thriving business districts in West Hartford, as well as providing easier access to the CTFastrak station. I want to thank all of my colleagues in the state legislature for supporting this bonding bill and the great investments it is making in people and places all across Connecticut.”

West Hartford Mayor Shari Cantor also welcomed today’s good news.

“We are so thrilled to learn that the bonding for the Trout Brook Trail has been approved, and I sincerely appreciate all of Senator Bye’s hard work and commitment in getting this funding approved in order to maintain the great quality of life that we have here in West Hartford,” Mayor Cantor said. “Pretty soon we’re going to have a walkable, runnable, rideable trail from one end of town to the other, and that is something that everyone is going to be able to enjoy.”

The proposed location for phase three of the Trout Brook Multi-Use Trail is between the Trout Brook watercourse and Trout Brook Drive from Park Road to Jackson Avenue.

The proposed trail will be a 10 foot wide bituminous path that covers approximately three-quarters of a mile and connects with previously constructed sections of the trail. A majority of the proposed trail will be set back approximately five feet from the curb and motor vehicle travel lanes.
The concept for the Trout Brook Multi-Use Trail project was first developed several years ago and is part of West Hartford’s 2009 Plan of Conservation and Development. Of the approximately 63,000 people living in West Hartford, about 14,300 residents—one out of every four or five people—live within a half-mile of the Trout Brook Trail project area.

The multi-use trail provides an important recreational amenity for both West Hartford residents and visitors, and is an important, alternative means of transportation to the busy north-south arterial roads, thereby improving mobility and safety for bicyclists and pedestrians.

The multi-use trail is intended to be used by everyone in the community, including experienced commuter cyclists, recreational riders, elementary school children, the elderly, and families with young children. The Multi-Use Trail also meets Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards for accessibility.

West Hartford has already committed to snow removal along the entire length of the trail, thereby ensuring its use year-round.

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