Bob Duff

Senate Majority Leader

Bob Duff

Standing Up For You!

October 14, 2016

Norwalk Land Trust Recognizes Senate Majority Leader Duff for his Environmental Advocacy

photo of Senator Duff.

Pictured above (L-R): D. Seeley Hubbard, past President of the Norwalk Land Trust; Vickie Bennett, board member of the Norwalk Land Trust; Senate Majority Leader Bob Duff (D-Norwalk); John Moeling, President, Norwalk Land Trust.

Norwalk, CT—Senate Majority Leader Bob Duff (D-Norwalk) was recognized today by the Norwalk Land Trust for his role ushering through the Senate important legislation safeguarding Connecticut’s open space, air and water. Members of the Land Trust presented him with a citation at Fodor Farm in Norwalk.

“The Norwalk Land Trust has done a phenomenal job of protecting open space in Norwalk,” said Senator Duff. “Protecting 90 acres of open space in a geographically small, dense city helps preserve Norwalk’s character, and their work on behalf of our environment will be felt for generations. I am proud to have been recognized by this exceptional organization.”

“Bob has been an Advisory Board Member of the Norwalk Land Trust for over ten years,” said John Moeling, President, Norwalk Land Trust. “He has helped us acquire and protect the White Barn Nature Preserve, the Farm Creek Nature Preserve and others, and is working with us now to complete a Wildlife Sanctuary on our Hoyt Island property in Long Island Sound. Bob knows we need natural open space in the midst of our lives and our work and deserves the recognition the Connecticut League of Conservation Voters has accorded him.”

This year, Senator Duff was named a “2016 Legislative Champion” by the Connecticut League of Conservation Voters. Additionally, Senator Duff received a perfect “100 percent” score from the organization on its 2016 Environmental Scorecard, which rates Connecticut’s state legislators by the votes they have cast on key environmental bills.

In 2015, Senator Duff led passage of legislation that prevented taxpayer-purchased open space from being used to fulfill the open space percentage allocation required for cluster developments. Previously, Senator Duff has been recognized as a “Clean Energy Champion” by the New England Clean Energy Council for his leadership on clean energy policy.

The mission of the Norwalk Land Trust is to balance nature and development by acquiring land and preserving it in its natural state for the benefit of Norwalk residents and future generations.

The Land Trust is currently steward of 28 parcels of open space, owning 65 acres and holding 25 acres via conservation easements.

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