Bob Duff

Senate Majority Leader

Bob Duff

Standing Up For You!

December 30, 2016

Duff: Don’t Cut Funding for Rifle Salutes at Veterans Funerals

Senate Majority Leader Bob Duff (D-Norwalk) today pledged to fight against a Connecticut Department of Military Affairs proposal to cut funding for Connecticut Honor Guard rifle salutes at military funerals. In 2015, Senator Duff and the Senate Democrats successfully led opposition to a similar plan.

“When Connecticut veterans are laid to rest they must continue to receive the honors they deserve,” said Senator Duff. “I will continue to fight for this important component of their final respects. This funding represents a small amount in the overall budget; however, the honor guards play a large role in demonstrating our appreciation of our veterans’ service.”

Over the last two years, Senator Duff and the Senate Democrats have led passage of numerous laws benefiting the brave men and women who have answer our nation’s call to duty including:

  • a property tax cut for veterans and their surviving spouses
  • income tax relief for veterans
  • a groundbreaking women veterans programs
  • a “Veterans Opportunity” program to help homeless vets find jobs
  • providing funding for veterans job training programs
  • improvements at the Veterans’ Home in Rocky Hill

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