Bob Duff

Senate Majority Leader

Bob Duff

Standing Up For You!

January 31, 2017

With Trump Poised to Name Anti-Choice Supreme Court Nominee, Senate Majority Leader Duff, Senate Democrats and Advocates Vow to Fight Back Against Attacks on Women’s Health Care

photo of Senator Duff.

Standing alongside advocates and members of the Senate Democratic Caucus, Senate Majority Leader Bob Duff (D-Norwalk) today issued a warning that laws protecting women’s reproductive health are under attack both in Washington D.C. and in Hartford. Senator Duff also called out organizations like the Family Institute of Connecticut for its campaign to limit access to women’s reproductive health.

“It took less than one week for President Donald Trump to issue an executive order threatening a woman’s right to choose,” said Senator Duff. “It is an unfortunate reality that the battle over women’s health issues has returned to Connecticut. At every turn, we will fight back against organizations like the Family Institute and others who are determined to undermine the progress we have made.”

“We will ensure that Connecticut’s continue to be a state where women’s health care is protected, regardless of what happens in Washington,” said Senator Mae Flexer (D-Danielson). “We must take action so that women will continue to have full access to health care in our state. We cannot just sit by and assume that these rights will be maintained for decades to come.”

“No one has a right to interfere in the relationship between a woman and her doctor,” said Senator Cathy Osten (D-Sprague). “This is about women’s health; this is about having choices relating to pap smears, contraception and breast exams; it is about cancer screenings; it is about making sure that when you go to the doctor, you have coverage and access to quality care.”

President Trump is expected to announce his nominee to the United States Supreme Court later this evening. Senator Duff expects President Trump to make good on his campaign promise to nominate someone opposed to protecting women’s reproductive health laws.

Last week, Senator Duff joined a bipartisan group of legislators highlighting proposed legislation aimed at preserving access to women’s preventative health care and contraception.

The bills include:

  • Preserving requirements in the Affordable Care Act requiring no cost-sharing for women’s preventative services, and to further improve contraceptive access
  • Preserving constitutional rights to health care against federal threats and to codify the principles of the Supreme Court’s decision in Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt
  • Preserving requirements in the Affordable Care Act requiring that nursing mothers be provided with a breast pump, and to improve protections for nursing mothers in the workplace
  • Improving current workplace protections for pregnant women