Bob Duff

Senate Majority Leader

Bob Duff

Standing Up For You!

February 9, 2022

Democrats Announce Plans for COVID-Safe Voting in 2022

HARTFORD – Today, Senate President Martin M. Looney (D-New Haven), House Speaker Matt Ritter (D-Hartford), Senate Majority Leader Bob Duff (D-Norwalk) and House Majority Leader Jason Rojas (D-East Hartford) announced plans to pass legislation within the next several weeks to continue to allow for COVID-safe voting by absentee ballot through the 2022 general election.

The Democratic leaders of the General Assembly released the following statement:
“Voting is the fundamental right underlying our entire democracy. While other states are restricting voting rights, we will take action to ensure that everyone that was able to vote before COVID will continue to be able to vote this year as COVID persists. We will continue the COVID safety measures of 2020 and 2021 for 2022 and allow for everyone who fears exposure to COVID to vote by absentee ballot.”

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