Duff, Rilling to Host Vigil for Victims of Buffalo Mass Shooting
WHERE: Norwalk Green
WHEN: 7 p.m. Wednesday May 18
WHO: State Senator Bob Duff, Norwalk Mayor Harry Rilling, concerned members of the community
Following the horrifying events this past Saturday in Buffalo, New York, where a self-described white supremacist and neo-Nazi took the lives of 10 innocent men and women and injured four others in a race-based hate crime, Senator Duff and Mayor Rilling will hold a vigil for these victims, and for the community to come together and denounce such hatred, this Wednesday.
These individuals were killed solely due to their skin color in a country where hate crimes are growing, not falling, and in a country where the same hateful rhetoric shared by the shooter is repeated nightly on prominent conversative news programs. Despite a mental health evaluation, the shooter was able to purchase deadly weapons and high-capacity magazines, driving for three hours solely to target a Black community.
This vigil is not just in honor of those who we tragically lost, innocent men and women dedicated to their communities. It is meant for us to come together as one, denounce hatred and work toward solutions to violence, hatred, and ideals that pit man against man when we all share the same species. If we don’t speak up as a community, state and nation, who will?
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