Brooklyn, CT—State Senator Mae Flexer (D-Danielson) announced that the town of Brooklyn has been awarded a $238,500 grant under the state’s Small Town Economic Assistance Program (STEAP), which provides funding to smaller municipalities to assist with infrastructure and capital improvement projects.
The competitive grant will allow the town to purchase two generators that will fully illuminate the Brooklyn Elementary School and power the Clifford B. Memorial Center in the event of a power outage. The Clifford B. Green Memorial Center hosts a number of regional programs including the Northeast District Department of Health and Quinebaug Valley Senior Center, as well as Brooklyn town offices.
“Residents in Northeastern Connecticut, and Brooklyn in particular, know all too well what’s it like to experience extended power outages and I believe that these generators are critical to public safety and emergency preparedness,” said Sen. Flexer. “This is a good use of public money, and will ensure that both of Brooklyn’s schools can operate in the event of an outage and that the senior center and health department can continue function if the power goes out. I would like to express my gratitude to Brooklyn for hosting these regional assets and for being aggressive in their pursuit of grant funding to help offset the cost to local taxpayers.”
The Clifford B. Green Memorial Center is used as the heating and cooling center in times of extreme weather.
“This is a great opportunity. With budgets being what they are today, it’s hard to do extra things, never mind the things you need, so this comes at a great time for us and is very much appreciated,” said Brooklyn First Selectman Rick Ives. “I’m thankful for this grant, which wouldn’t have happened without our state Senator Mae Flexer and Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman working on behalf of Brooklyn.”
The STEAP grant is expected to fully cover the cost of the equipment, according to Ives at no cost to local taxpayers. The project at Brooklyn Elementary School will ensure the safety of students and staff, and allow use of the building as community shelter during emergencies. Similarly, the generator at the Clifford B. Green Memorial Center will ensure that the building’s electricity is not disrupted during emergencies.