Senator Mae Flexer (D-Danileson) released the following statement regarding Congresswoman Elizabeth Esty:
“It was devastating to learn about the situation in Rep. Etsy’s office that has recently come to light. The congresswoman failed her staff on every level when she decided to protect an alleged abuser instead of them. It’s completely unacceptable.
“Instead of immediately suspending her chief of staff once she learned of the allegations, she allowed him to work for her and oversee her staff for months after and then kept the ultimate resolution a secret. This type of complicit behavior contributes to the culture of secrecy around abuse and harassment in our decision-making bodies and it’s got to stop.
“We must expect more from our elected officials. We must set the example. No employer should allow this conduct. Her failure to do the right thing here hurt us all, especially as more and more women are courageously coming forward. It’s time for Rep. Etsy to step aside.”
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