Herron Keyon Gaston

State Senator

Herron Keyon Gaston

Deputy President Pro Tempore

Empowering Communities, Driving Change

August 8, 2024

Gaston Welcomes $3 Million in State Bonding Supporting Remediation Project in Stratford

Today, state Senator Herron Keyon Gaston (D-Bridgeport), is welcoming 3 million dollars in funding approved by the State Bond Commission for a remediation project in Stratford. Funds will be allocated to Raymark Industries, Inc. Superfund Site to remediate hazardous waste at the contaminated disposal site.

“This has been an ongoing project for years and with this funding, it is my hope the area will continue to be maintained and get more hazardous material removed,” said Sen. Gaston. “I am thankful to the State Bond Commission for approval of these funds as this is a real problem for our community. Exposure to this waste can cause serious health problems and with the proper management and care, the cleanup of this site will ensure a safer environment for future generations.”

Raymark was a manufacturer of automotive brakes, clutch parts, and other friction components, primarily for the automotive industry. Raymark’s manufacturing waste was historically disposed of as fill on the facility, but over time this waste material was also disposed of within Stratford at a minimum of 46 residential properties, and at numerous other commercial, recreational and municipal properties.  In addition, several wetland areas in close proximity to the Housatonic River were also filled in with Raymark’s manufacturing waste.

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