State Senator Joan Hartley (D-Waterbury) and State Representative Anthony D’Amelio (R-Middlebury) will hold office hours on Saturday, January 27th in Waterbury.
The Waterbury office hours will take place from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. at Monteiro’s Restaurant, located on 161 Fairfield Avenue in Waterbury.
“In-district office hours are an invaluable opportunity to meet directly with constituents in preparation for the 2018 legislative session. I look forward to our conversation,” said Senator Hartley.
“I look forward to meeting with constituents to discuss the upcoming legislative session and ways to make our state even better,” Representative D’Amelio said. “When Senator Hartley and I hear directly from constituents, we’re able to can bring more local voices to the process.”
Sen. Hartley’s upcoming office hours schedule is as follows:
Saturday, January 27, from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m.
Monteiro’s Restaurant
161 Fairfield Avenue, Waterbury
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