State Senator Joan Hartley (D-Waterbury), State Representative Ronald A. Napoli Jr. (D-Waterbury), and State Representative Geraldo Reyes Jr. (D-Waterbury) will hold virtual office hours on Monday, January 11 at 6 p.m. and Tuesday, January 12 at 6 p.m. Participants will have the opportunity to submit questions when registering and during the discussions on Zoom.
The virtual office hours on January 11 will be held by Sen. Hartley and Rep. Napoli. The following day, January 12, virtual office hours will be held by Sen. Hartley and Rep. Reyes.
Click here to register for the January 11 office hours at 6 p.m. with Sen. Hartley and Rep. Napoli. Registration deadline is January 11 at 3 p.m.
Click here to register for the January 12 office hours at 6 p.m. with Sen. Hartley and Rep. Reyes. Registration deadline is January 12 at 3 p.m.
Links to join the Zoom will be sent out to registered participants about an hour following the event’s registration deadline.
“While business as usual at the CT General Assembly has been markedly altered during this global coronavirus pandemic, it is more important than ever to hear from my constituents. I look forward to the conversations and answering people’s questions on issues important to their families,” said Sen. Hartley.
“We have many important issues this year and knowing first-hand the concerns of constituents is my top priority to kick off the legislative session,” said Rep. Napoli. “I want to encourage participation in our virtual town hall. If anything good has come out of the pandemic it’s our ability to continue communicating through social media and technology. I look forward to this event.”
“My job is to listen to what concerns the constituents in my community, in order to prosper during these times of struggle,” Rep. Reyes said. “I urge you to please reach out to my office or Senator Hartley’s office, so we can continue our work for you during this important session.”
If you have a question, please email Sen. Hartley’s office at The office hours will be streamed on Sen. Hartley’s Facebook page for those unable to attend to watch at a later time.
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