Joan Hartley

State Senator

Joan Hartley

Chief Deputy President Pro Tempore

An Independent Voice

August 1, 2022

Sen. Hartley Secures $2.1 Million to Support Scale-Up of Global Company Located in Waterbury Area

Today, state Senator Joan Hartley (D-Waterbury, Naugatuck, and Middlebury) announced that $2.1 million in state funding had been approved by Governor Lamont and the members of the State Bond Commission to expand electric and water capacity at Captain Neville Industrial Park. The upgrades to the industrial park will benefit the 400 Captain Neville Dr. Building which serves as the location of Drew Marine’s innovation center – housing its production and research and development facilities. Drew Marine, is a leading company in the chemical manufacturing and maritime industries with employees in Connecticut and around the world.

Sen. Hartley, co-chair of the Connecticut General Assembly’s Manufacturing Caucus, and the Waterbury legislative delegation worked to secure the $2.1 million in state bonding to strengthen Waterbury’s position as a hub for companies specializing in chemical research & development, and to grow R&D manufacturing jobs. According to 2020 report on Connecticut manufacturing, 18 percent of the state’s manufacturing jobs are in the chemical industry, which places it as the second-largest manufacturing sector in the state.

As Senate Chair of the Commerce Committee, she and fellow members of the Waterbury legislative delegation raised a bill to support companies in the chemical manufacturing and maritime industries like Drew Marine. Since then, leading up to today, Sen. Hartley has worked in close partnership with Governor Lamont, Commissioner Lehman of the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development, and stakeholders to secure this $2.1 million for upgrades to the Captain Neville Industrial Park and supporting the growth of Drew Marine./

“I’m grateful to Governor Lamont and the members of the State Bond Commission for their approval of this funding to increase the capabilities of the Captain Neville Industrial Park. The governor and Commissioner Lehman have been excellent partners on this endeavor to support economic development in the Waterbury region,” said Sen. Hartley. “These upgrades will empower a global company that has its headquarters and production facilities in Connecticut to grow. In the process, it will boost our manufacturing sector and support well-paying jobs here in Connecticut.”

Democratic State Representatives Larry Butler, Michael DiGiovancarlo, Ron Napoli and Geraldo Reyes, who all represent Waterbury, said in a joint statement: “The Waterbury legislative delegation applauds the approval of these state bond funds that support economic development in our region. We’re grateful to Governor Lamont and members of the State Bond Commission, in addition to Commissioner Lehman of the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development, and stakeholders who have provided a lift to the manufacturing sector and aided in creating and maintaining well-paying jobs.”

“Making these infrastructure improvements to Captain Neville Industrial Park will help in our ongoing efforts to support business and job growth in Waterbury, and I am glad that the state can partner with the city to get this done,” said Governor Lamont, who serves as chairman of the State Bond Commission.

In testimony before the Commerce Committee, Drew Marine noted the advantages to it residing in Connecticut including the state’s geographic location and access to the I-95 corridor afford easy access to ports from Boston down to Miami. An important factor for the company so it can export its products manufactured in Connecticut to around the world.

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