HARTFORD, CT – The Senate today confirmed the nomination of Tarini Krishna of Ridgefield to be appointed a nonvoting student member of the State Board of Education. Krishna, a Ridgefield High School senior, was originally named to the State Board of Education as the student member in September of last year and plans to attend Barnard College in the Fall after her high school graduation. Krishna applied to join the board due to her interest in advocating for education.
“I am proud to vote in favor of Tarini’s confirmation to the State Board of Education,” said Sen. Haskell. “She is a remarkable young person, taking on responsibilities outside of the classroom to represent her generation’s interest within the state government. I know she’s going to do great things because she’s already done great things, and I’m proud to call her a constituent.”
“I’m excited to continue working with the other Board members for the rest of my term, which began in September,” said Krishna. “Since then, I have expanded my understanding of the educational issues and inequities in Connecticut. The Board really values its student members, so being a student representative has been both a learning experience and a lesson in student advocacy, as I’ve been able to ask questions and make comments on decisions before us. As a student member of the board, it is my responsibility to use my voice to ensure that the decisions before us positively impact students’ education because students are the ones who experience the deepest and longest-lasting consequences of the decisions made by those in power.”
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