Julie Kushner

State Senator

Julie Kushner

Deputy President Pro Tempore

Working Together for Progress

December 8, 2022

Sen. Kushner Welcomes State Bonding For New Fairfield Police Department Cameras And Storage

NEW FAIRFIELD – State Senator Julie Kushner (D-Danbury) today welcomed State Bond Commission approval of $42,541 for the New Fairfield Police Department to purchase body-worn cameras, police cruiser dash-mounted cameras, or storage devices to retain those images.

The New Fairfield Police Department funding is part of $1.26 million in total that the State Bond Commission approved today for 28 police departments across Connecticut for body and dash cams and storage devices. Four million dollars in total state bond funding was authorized for this public safety equipment as part of the 2020 Police Accountability Act, which Sen. Kushner voted for.

“Police camera footage is making a difference in public safety every day. It was just used a few weeks ago as evidence of after-hours drinking at a Danbury bar. It’s routinely used to show the bravery of police officers rescuing people or defending themselves. And it’s sometimes used to hold police officers accountable for their actions,” Sen. Kushner said. “I know that, on balance, police officers appreciate having these devices available to them, and I’m very pleased that Democrats made the commitment to provide Connecticut police departments and local taxpayers with millions of dollars in state funding for these essential devices.”

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