On September 23, The Hartford Courant reported that Republican Senate Leader Len Fasano disputed the notion that many Democratic proposed on the crumbling concrete bill had bipartisan support earlier in the year, particularly the proposed $12 surcharge on homeowner insurance policies.
However, legislative records clearly show that Republicans did in fact support the $12 surcharge, and supported many other Democratic proposals regarding crumbling concrete.
“For months, Democrats worked with Republicans to come up with a bipartisan bill that addresses the crumbling foundations issue currently affecting hundreds, if not thousands, of Connecticut homeowners. We had a comprehensive plan, we had agreements with Republicans, and when I looked at their budget and saw they didn’t follow through on those agreements, it truly made me angry,” Sen. Larson said. “Now they’re flipping this around saying they never made these agreements. Well, it’s a good thing we keep voting records and meeting minutes in the legislature to show what really happened.”
To authorize municipalities to establish a program to provide grants to eligible owners of residential buildings for the purposes of repairing or replacing the faulty or failing concrete foundations of such residential buildings and to fund such program by issuing bonds and accepting donations. Introduced by: Public Safety and Security Committee
3-15-17 Public Safety Committee Meeting
3-15-17 Public Safety Committee Meeting minutes
S.B. No. 806, moving on to the committee bill that addresses the crumbling concrete foundation issue, Sen. Larson asks for a motion. Motion: Rep. Verrengia Second: Rep. Orange. Discussion involves many of the committee members agreeing how large a problem this is and how important it is these people are helped.
Chairman Larson recognizes Sen. Miner (R-Brookfield) with the understanding he has an amendment. A voice vote is asked for after some discussion and the amendment passes.
Sen. Guglielmo (R-Stafford) says there will be over a billion dollars of damage by the time this is through. No commercial buildings have been affected yet but people have paid for their taxes, insurance and some are even homeless now. He says he is generally not a big government guy but we help hurricane people, why not this?
Rep. Fishbein (R-Cheshire)says he is sympathetic but does not believe this is a state or public safety issue. He mentions his own home being under water, as many peoples are but he’s not asking for help. He says Rep. Davis on Judiciary wanted a foreclosure committee and concludes the state does not have the money to fix this so he cannot support this bill.
Rep. Boyd (D-Brooklyn) says he is not a fan of big government either, but since he represents many of the towns being affected by this, he feels we need to help them in some way and not throw up our hands and do nothing. He thinks the feds need to come to the table and it should be a team effort.
Rep. Rovero (D-Killigly) says his job as a state rep is not to spend money but this needs to pass as it is a heartbreaking situation.
Rep. Skulczyck (R-Griswold) says he understands Rep. Fishbein’s issues but that this is out of control, and after 2 A.G.’s have looked at this, we can’t keep kicking the can down the road. He thinks we need to work with the federal government and CROG.
Rep. Dauphinais (R-Killingly) says she also is sympathetic but if we bail them out then we should bail out the cities going bankrupt and who own homes there. She does not feel more burden should be put on the taxpayers.
The Chair calls for a roll call vote: The motion passes 19 yea, 6 nay. – proposed JFS language from PS Committee
3-23-17 OFA Fiscal Analysis for LCO No. 6832, File Copy No. 301, Senate Calendar No.: 174
Municipal Impact: See below
This amendment strikes sections 1, 11, and 12 of the underlying bill and the associated fiscal impact of those sections. The amendment results in the fiscal impact outlined below.
Section 1 of this amendment will result in an annual revenue gain of $11.8 million from the $12 surcharge on each homeowner’s insurance policy, renter’s insurance policy, condominium unit owner’s insurance policy or a master policy that is required to be purchased by a condominium association. This funding will be deposited into the Crumbling Foundations Assistance Fund created by the bill.
Section 501 allows municipalities to waive building permit fees to repair crumbling foundations. This could result in a revenue loss of up to $100,000 annually to each municipality, depending on the number of homes that are repaired under the program. The revenue loss to the state is expected to be minimal.
Section 502 makes clarifying and conforming changes which have no fiscal impact.
5-17-17 Senate Chamber
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