June 1, 2018

Sen. Larson Statement Re: Dept. of Interior East Windsor Casino Decision

State Senator Tim Larson (D-East Hartford) released the following statement today following the posting of the U.S. Department of the Interior’s notice that an amended gaming agreement between the Mohegan Tribe and the State of Connecticut is taking effect, thereby clearing the way for development of an East Windsor casino:

“This decision is good news for Connecticut. Once this facility is up and running, the legislation provides for 10 percent of non-slot machine revenue to go directly into funding the statewide tourism marketing account to grow Connecticut’s tourism industry and further promote locations and events across the state like the Travelers Championship, The Hartford Marathon, and the Mystic Aquarium. The tribes have been excellent business partners who have been truly invested in our state and our communities. The joint venture in East Windsor will create thousands of construction and full-time jobs for the region, and protect one of Connecticut’s most important revenue streams.”

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