HARTFORD, CT – Today, state Senator Matt Lesser (D-Middletown) and the Middletown delegation announced the General Assembly approved state bond funding for an important building project at Middletown High School.
The school will receive $98,952 for a vocational-agriculture center project which is slated to cost an estimated $123,690. The senator said this funding will assist in efforts to ensure students are prepared to take advantage of careers in agriculture.
“I’m always thrilled to support Middletown’s VoAG program,” said Sen. Lesser. “This funding will allow for the purchase of equipment necessary to ensure our school provides top quality, cutting edge educational programs to area students.”
State Representatives Joseph Serra (D-Middletown) and Quentin Phipps (D-Middletown) applauded the state investment in this important program.
“I am very gratified to have worked with the Governor and my colleagues in the legislature to provide these additional funds for Middletown High School’s vo-ag program to build the industry’s future workforce,” said Rep. Serra. “Agriculture is a large industry in Connecticut, and this program helps ensure its longevity in the state by preparing the future generation of farmers and agriculture professionals.”
“The Vo-Ag program has a long history of preparing our students for careers in a variety of fields,” said Rep. Phipps. “The state’s commitment of nearly $99,000 represents 80 percent of the total cost for new equipment so Middletown taxpayers also benefit. I applaud my colleagues for their support of this grant allocation.”
Middletown High School currently participates in a regional Agricultural Science and Technology program which aims to provide instruction to help shepherd students into careers in agriculture, either after high school or college. Teachers instruct the class in leadership, agricultural business, and provide a supervised agricultural experience. Students from schools throughout the region can participate in this program.
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