Matt Lesser

State Senator

Matt Lesser

Deputy Majority Leader

Your Independent Voice

June 8, 2022

State Senator Matt Lesser Releases Statement on Announcement that Victoria Veltri is Leaving State Service

This evening, state Senator Matt Lesser (D-Middletown), released the following statement after the announcement that Office of Health Strategy Executive Director Victoria Veltri is stepping down from her role in state government as at the end of the month:

“I want to thank Vicki for her years of service to the State. She’s been a friend and vital partner, respected by all sides on health reform. Connecticut leads the country on state-based health reform and a lot of credit goes to Vicki. I wish her well in her new role, she leaves big shoes to fill.”

Sen. Lesser worked alongside Veltri on many vital programs for Connecticut. Sen. Lesser and Veltri worked together to pass the Covered Connecticut Program, established Connecticut’s first cost growth benchmarks, and many more proposals.

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