Senate President Pro Tempore Martin M. Looney (D-New Haven) and Senate Majority Leader Bob Duff (D-Norwalk) today released the following statements regarding the release of the January Consensus Revenue Report:
“A bipartisan budget requires a bipartisan budget fix,” said Senator Looney. “The Consensus Revenue Report has made clear that we have more work to do to rebalance the budget. That’s why, last week, I called on the Democratic and Republican legislative leaders to begin meeting immediately so that we can build a framework to solve Connecticut’s current budget deficit and address several other critical areas of the budget.”
Senator Looney continued, “When you consider that last year legislators from both parties worked together to wrestle a deficit ten times larger than the one projected today, this is clearly a manageable and achievable task”
In his letter to the legislative leaders, in addition to rebalancing the budget, Senator Looney urged action on:
The legislative leaders are coordinating schedules in order to meet later this month.
“Today’s Consensus Revenue Report indicates that we have more work to do to address budgetary challenges,” said Senator Duff. “The bipartisan budget has set us on a course to successfully rebalance our budget. I look forward to reconvening our bipartisan negotiations to tackle many important issues including transportation funding and health care for seniors.”