Following his testimony to the Higher Education Committee, Senator Looney joined students from Wilbur Cross High School calling for the expansion of access to institutional financial aid for Connecticut students regardless of their immigration status.
Long-time champion for equalizing education access for Connecticut’s Dreamers, Senate President Pro Tempore Martin M. Looney (D-New Haven) today issued the following statement:
“This is priority of the Senate Democratic Caucus. The Senate Democrats are once again committed to standing with Connecticut’s Dreamers, and will propose legislation expanding access to higher education. These are our kids. They are Connecticut’s future. Our state stands as a beacon of fairness, justice, and equality while some regions of our country appear to be taking a different path. Offering institutional financial aid to students regardless of immigration status is yet another sign of Connecticut’s commitment to fairness and equality.”
In 2011 and again in 2015, the Connecticut General Assembly, led by Senator Looney and his Democratic colleagues passed legislation granting and increasing access for undocumented students who meet specific criteria to pay in-state tuition at Connecticut’s colleges and universities.
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