Martin M. Looney

Senate President Pro Tempore

Martin M. Looney

An Advocate for Us

February 16, 2018

New Haven Legislators Applaud Approval of $1M Urban Development Funding for ‘r kids

Local child placing agency to create additional visitation, childcare, and programming space for New Haven families

NEW HAVEN— Members of the New Haven state delegation today applauded the Bond
Commission’s approval of a $1 million grant-in-aide to create a dedicated visitation space, additional childcare and programming space for the children and families at the ’r kids Family Center in New Haven.

The ’r kids Family Center provides specialized, high quality services to children in out-of-home care and their families; promoting permanency, safety and stability for children through services to their biological, foster or adoptive families. The center is a licensed child placing agency through the state of Connecticut Department of Children and Families and is credentialed through Applied Behavioral Health for a variety of child welfare related services.

“Families are the foundation of our community. The ‘r kids Family Center helps promote a strong, healthy New Haven by keeping families together and children in safe, stable homes” said Senate President Pro Tempore Martin M. Looney (D-New Haven). “I appreciate the Bond Commission’s approval of this critical funding that will benefit so many children and families.”

“For over 20 years, the ‘r kids Family Center has worked to successfully place hundreds of children in safe homes, reunite families, and provide essential services like parent training, youth homework groups, and domestic violence and substance abuse workshops to the New Haven community,” said Sen. Gary Winfield (D-New Haven). “This funding will only enhance those efforts by providing children and families with a chance to gather in a quality, safe space as they navigate through the foster and adoptive processes and other services provided at the center.”

“To help break the cycle of poverty and urban trauma our children face, it is critical that we continue to invest in programs that support and advance the health and mental well-being of our youth,” Rep. Robyn Porter (D-New Haven) said. “Programs like r’kids Family Center help our children to reach their full potential by providing them with undergirding and stability when they need it most. This is why this funding is so vital. It will allow r’kids Family Center to continue their mission of supporting and strengthening our village, and that brings me great joy.”

“The $1 million in bonding for the ‘r kids Family Center will help our children in a big way,” said Rep. Toni Walker (D-New Haven). “The Family Agency is one of the most outstanding family agencies in the Greater New Haven area.”

“Through this funding, the r’kids Family Center will be to further help our city’s vulnerable children. Providing our youth with a safe and stable learning environment during times of transition is essential to their sustained success,” said Rep. Al Paolillo (D-New Haven). “Thank you to the New Haven legislative delegation for advocating for this funding and recognizing the importance of investing in our future generation.”

“I am happy that ‘r Kids Family Center’s work is being recognized and supported,” said Rep. Pat Dillon (D-New Haven). “‘r Kids was born in New Haven and is dedicated to our children and families.”

“The services provided by the family center are not available anywhere else,” Rep. Juan Candelaria said. “This grant is essential to the center’s ongoing work in New Haven, with assistance to children and families who are our most vulnerable. I applaud the Commission for approving these funds and my New Haven legislative colleagues for their work in supporting the family center.”

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