Martin M. Looney

Senate President Pro Tempore

Martin M. Looney

An Advocate for Us

April 30, 2019

Senator Looney Calls on Republicans to Release Fully Vetted, Line-by-Line Budget Document

HARTFORD, CT – (April 30, 2019) Today, Senate President Martin M. Looney called on Republicans in the General Assembly to release a fully vetted, line-by-line budget document in order to begin bipartisan budget negotiations.

“The only way to take into consideration Republican budget priorities is to see a fully vetted document that indicates where they seek to raise revenue or cut spending,” said Senator Looney. “It is impossible to budget in a piecemeal fashion.”

In a June 18 2017 op-ed in the Hartford Courant Senate Republican Leader Len Fasano stated:

Thus far, Senate Republicans and Gov. Dannel P. Malloy have offered the only fully vetted and balanced line-by-line budgets that could be voted on by the General Assembly. […] It’s now time for Democratic lawmakers, who have refused to release their full plans, to share exactly how they propose modifying the budgets that have been made public. Senate Republicans remain open to negotiating with anyone who shares their ideas and who recognizes that we need to change course.

In an April 27 2017 CTNewsJunkie article Senator Fasano stated:

“There’s going to be criticism, but don’t criticize Republicans because we have a budget we’re willing to pass.”

Senator Looney agreed with Senator Fasano’s previous statements that both Democrats and Republicans should release fully-vetted budgets.

“We look forward to seeing a fully vetted and balanced line-by-line Republican budget,” said Senator Looney. “Until then any statements by Republicans are merely political posturing.”