Martin M. Looney

Senate President Pro Tempore

Martin M. Looney

An Advocate for Us

January 21, 2020

Looney, Duff, Senate Democrats Announce “A Healthy Connecticut” Agenda

Bill proposals aim to strengthen the state’s health care, environmental, and energy systems

Today, Senate President Pro Tempore Martin M. Looney (D-New Haven), Senate Majority Leader Bob Duff (D-Norwalk), and other members of the Senate Democratic caucus announced “A Healthy Connecticut,” the first of four legislative agendas for the 2020 legislative session from Senate Democrats. The series of bills outlined the policy proposals from Senate Democrats to strengthen Connecticut’s health care, environmental and energy systems.

The legislative proposals in the “A Healthy Connecticut” agenda discussed today included:


Capping Insulin Costs and Providing Emergency Insulin
To cap exorbitant insulin costs and provide patients accessibility to emergency insulin supplies.

Prescription Drug Cost Controls
To reduce and limit prescription drug costs.

Expanding Patients’ Rights
To allow patients an opportunity to tell their own “story” to insurance companies when a new medicine or test is ordered by the doctor. This can prevent frustrating and unnecessary denials as well as provide timely medical care.

Expanding Dental & Eye Insurance to Age 26
To expand the Affordable Care Act’s requirement that those under 26 remain on their parent’s health insurance for dental and eye insurance.

Public Option
To create a public option for businesses and residents to buy-in to a state public health care plan.

Protecting the Affordable Care Act
To protect health care for Connecticut residents considering the Federal Government’s continuous attempts to change and dismantle the Affordable Care Act.


Preventing Unnecessary Utility Shut-Offs
To hold utility companies responsible and provide customers with the necessary information to avoid unnecessary utility shut-offs.

Protecting Water from Lead & Harmful PFAS
To help protect Connecticut’s public drinking water supplies from PFAS chemicals and lead.

Read background information on proposed legislation here.