Rick Lopes

State Senator

Rick Lopes

Deputy Majority Leader

Fighting For You

February 10, 2021

Statement From New Britain Legislators on Slow Local Covid-19 Vaccine Rollout

Representatives Robert Sanchez (D-New Britain), Manny Sanchez (D-New Britain, Newington) and Senator Rick Lopes (D- Berlin, Farmington, New Britain) issued a statement today on their concerns about a slow vaccine rollout in New Britain.

“We are concerned that New Britain falls near the bottom of municipalities in Connecticut with the lowest administration of COVID-19 vaccines to date. Given the current shortage of vaccine supply, we must double our efforts to reach communities that have historically faced challenges – especially as supplies increase. Governor Lamont has called for an equitable distribution of COVID-19 resources, however the statistics prove some communities are being grossly underserved in this pandemic. We will continue to work with state and local officials and organizations to improve New Britain’s standing with vaccine coverage.”

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