Today, state Senator James Maroney (D-Milford) is releasing a statement in support of a bill that would require computer science to be a part of high school graduation requirements. SB 1003, An Act Concerning The Inclusion Of Computer Science And Financial Literacy As Part Of The High School Graduation Requirements, will be discussed today in a public hearing held by the Education Committee.
“Allowing Computer Science to count for a graduation requirement will increase the number of students taking a computer science course,” said Sen. Maroney. “This is critical for our workforce, as we continue to grow our tech economy, and more importantly, it is increasingly important for the students who will be living and working in a digital world.”
Under SB 1033, students who will graduate High School in 2023 and thereafter will have to complete a minimum of 25 credits which include nine credits in humanities, nine credits in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, including computer science, one credit in physical education and wellness, one credit in health and safety education, one credit in world languages, one credit mastery-based diploma assessment, and at least one credit in personal financial management.
Senator Maroney originally introduced legislation to make computer science a part of the High School curriculum a requirement in the state’s public schools in 2019. This bill, SB 1033, will allow Computer Science to count for a graduation requirement, rather than mandate it. A Computer Science course would count for a Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) credit.
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