Doug McCrory


Doug McCrory



March 8, 2017

Senator McCrory Recognized as a Distinguished Legislator by State Education Group

Photo of Senators Mccrory

State Senator Doug McCrory (D-Hartford) was recognized today by the Connecticut Association of Boards of Education as its “Distinguished Legislator” for 2016.

“Doug became a teacher and is now a school administrator. He has always put the children first in whatever he has done. As a member of the legislature’s Education Committee, Doug has been a champion for children, including being a strong advocate for minority teacher recruitment,” Don Harris, CABE’s Vice President for Government Relations, said upon presenting Sen. McCrory with the 2016 Distinguished Legislator Award at a ceremony today in front of more than 100 people at The Bushnell in Hartford.

“CABE is pleased to have Senator McCrory receive this award because of his dedicated civic engagement and his strong educational beliefs. Doug is an example to students and education leaders alike,” Harris said. “While Senator McCrory has assumed some new committee assignments in the Senate, CABE knows that Doug McCrory will always be an advocate for education.”

“It’s an honor to be recognized by an association as well-respected as CABE for work that I just love to do,” Sen. McCrory said. “I’m all about kids and education. Sometimes the debates can get a little too detailed or heated up in the Capitol, but then I always try and remember why I’m up here and who I’m doing this for. Connecticut is a great state to raise a child and receive a public education, and I am always going to fight to protect and preserve educational opportunities for our children. Thank you CABE for recognizing my efforts.”

The Connecticut Association of Boards of Education serves local and regional boards of education in Connecticut and is dedicated to improving the quality of education throughout the state and the nation. CABE’s membership includes 151 school districts representing 90 percent of the state’s public school population.