Doug McCrory


Doug McCrory



November 20, 2017

McCrory Welcomes State Investment in Homestead Avenue Building Renovations

photo of Senator McCrory.

State Senator Doug McCrory (D-Hartford) today joined state and local officials on Homestead Avenue to announce a major state investment in the demolition and remediation of three abandoned buildings there, hoping to spur private-sector investment in the city.

The state will spend $1.9 million to demolish and remediate the abandoned buildings at 367, 393 & 424 Homestead Avenue—which include a former metal foundry manufacturing facility—preparing them for redevelopment.

“Today’s announcement is just the first step. What we really need is a developer to get in here and create jobs for residents,” Sen. McCrory said. “We have a real opportunity to make this community better and to make the State of Connecticut better.”

The Hartford building renovations are part of $13.6 million in state funding that Governor Dannel P. Malloy announced today for a multitude of blighted property renovations across Connecticut.

“These kinds of properties that have been vacant for decades are causing blight in neighborhoods, draining local resources, and having a negative impact on towns and cities,” Gov. Malloy said. “We can add value in our communities by making smart investments that repurpose these properties, resulting in a boost for local economies and spurring growth and private investments.”

For every dollar the state has invested in brownfield redevelopment, non-state partners have invested or will invest $11.41. Since 2012, the State of Connecticut has invested more than $220 million in brownfield redevelopment, resulting in the creation of more than 3,000 permanent jobs and over 15,000 construction jobs in the state.

Today’s round of funding announcements includes a total of $12.1 million that will be awarded to eight remediation and redevelopment projects, totaling just over 34 acres. An additional $1.5 million will be awarded to eight assessment projects that will prepare for the future revitalization of additional properties, consisting of almost 52 acres. All of the funds will be awarded through the Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD).

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