Private: Marilyn Moore


Marilyn Moore



July 18, 2016

Moore Announces State Funding for Trumbull’s Fairfield County Children’s Choir

TRUMBULL, CT—Today, Senator Marilyn Moore (D-Bridgeport) announced a state grant of $5,014 for the Fairfield County Children’s Choir, a local Trumbull organization.

“The Fairfield County Children’s Choir is a wonderful resource for the children of Trumbull and neighboring towns,” said Senator Moore. “Educating our kids in the arts and music is critical to their education and development. I want to thank Commissioner Smith and the Department of Economic and Community Development for making this funding possible.”

The Fairfield County Children’s Choir is a community-based choral program made up of 300 children in grades four through twelve from communities in and around Fairfield County. The program provides instruction in vocal technique, choral technique, music literacy and the appreciation of music through the practice and performance of great choral repertoire.

The funding, administered through the state Department of Economic and Community Development’s (DECD) Office of the Arts, was secured through the Supporting Arts in Place grant program.

DECD grant programs including the Arts Learning Project Grants (which provide funding up to $20,000 to support arts in education-based projects for birth to grade 12); Arts & Community Impact Project Grants (which provide funding up to $20,000 for projects that connect the intrinsic value of the arts to identifiable community needs, interests or opportunities); and Supporting Arts in Place Grants (which provide general operating support to eligible arts organizations and municipal art departments) distributed the funding.

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