Marilyn Moore


Marilyn Moore



June 6, 2017

Moore Shares Her Story During Paid Family Leave Debate

“We all felt that we were letting our mother down”


Senator Marilyn Moore joined her Democratic Senate colleagues on the chamber floor today to urge support for a bill that would bring Paid Family Medical Leave to Connecticut.

Sen. Moore’s remarks on Senate Bill 1:

About ten years ago my mom began experiencing health problems.  Some were related to her being elderly.  My mom had one bout of congestive heart failure and needed 24 hour personal care.  As our parents age, we have a responsibility to care for them just as they cared for us throughout our lives.  My mom had told us many times that we could not, better not, place her in a nursing home.  She raised 6 children on her own since I was 12 years old.  Her request seemed reasonable and even logical, but all of my sisters and my brother had jobs. When she asked me why I couldn’t take care of her I explained I had to work as I had a mortgage and other financial responsibilities.  Even though her doctor explained it would be short term, none of us could afford to take unpaid time off.

Paid Family Medical Leave

Senator Marilyn Moore supports the fight to establish a paid family medical leave system for Connecticut’s working families.

Posted by CT Senate Democrats on Tuesday, June 6, 2017

My mom did not understand that we could not take a leave from our jobs and it created stress and uncomfortable conversations.  We all felt that we were letting our mother down.

Fortunately, my younger sister decided to leave her job as an HIV counselor for the City of Bridgeport. She used up her vacation and sick leave and in the end was let go. By the grace of God and my sister’s unending commitment to my mom, we were able to keep my mom at home and in 40 days or so she will celebrate her 102nd birthday.

I share this story because my sister sacrificed her career and her job was eliminated when she took the leave.  We were fortunate, but how many other families will face this same problem and without paid family medical leave not be there to support their loved ones?

If paid family medical leave were available, my sisters and brothers could have each taken time off to share the responsibilities that all of us will face as our parents age.

In addition to being necessary for families, Paid Family Medical Leave is also good for business. The Center for American Progress released a study that pointed to evidence that the benefits of PFML led to a decrease in turnover, saved health care costs and boosted productivity.

I ask my colleagues to support families by passing Senate Bill 1 and make Connecticut a state that is not just about corporate tax breaks but also about being a humane state for workers.

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