Marilyn Moore


Marilyn Moore



March 20, 2018

Moore Applauds Labor Committee Passage of Earned Family Medical Leave Bill

Senator Marilyn Moore (D-Bridgeport) today applauded committee passage of legislation that will help create economic security for women and families across Connecticut. Democrats in the Labor Committee voted to pass Earned Family Medical Leave, Pay Equity and Raising the Minimum Wage.

Unfortunately, Republicans once again turned their backs on working families and women in Connecticut by voting against these bills.

“It’s time for Connecticut workers to get the financial assistance they’ve earned when needing to take some time off to handle some of life’s many challenges like falling ill, having a child, or caring for a loved one. It’s time for Connecticut women to earn the same pay as her male colleagues. And it’s time for Connecticut taxpayers to end the practice of subsidizing childcare, food, and health care to people who work for companies who earn high profits and pay low wages,” Sen. Moore said.

Senate Bill 1 and House Bill 5387 each provide for up to 12 weeks of paid leave to qualifying employees, at 100 percent of salary up to a cap of $1,000 per week.

Senate Bill 15 and House Bill 5386 would prohibit employers from inquiring about a prospective employee’s previous wages, preventing that employee from inquiring about another employee’s salary, or requiring employees to sign a waiver denying their right to disclose wages.

House Bill 5388 seeks to gradually increase the minimum wage in Connecticut from its current $10.10 to $15.00 an hour over the next three years; after that the minimum wage would be indexed to rise with the rate of inflation.

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