Democrats in the State Senate today led final legislative passage (35-1) of HB 5386, An Act Concerning Pay Equity. Under this bill, employers would be prohibited from asking prospective employees about their previous wages, as evidence shows women disproportionately carry lower salaries from one job to the next.
“I stood today in strong support of women—and the families that depend on them—by voting in favor of pay equity in Connecticut,” Senator Marilyn Moore (D-Bridgeport) said. “This will be especially helpful to black and Latina women in my district who, according to current statistics, each earn almost half of what white men earn. In fact, for black women, Equal Pay Day is not until July 31. Meaning that, theoretically, black women have to work until that day in the current year in order to earn what a white man earned in the previous year. This bill ensures that women, regardless of race, are not discriminated against when negotiating her salary and will help boost the state’s economy by putting more money into the pockets of women our workforce.”
“Today the Senate took a step toward creating equitable opportunities for everyone by passing legislation that would close the gender wage gap,” Labor Committee co-chair Senator Ed Gomes (D-Bridgeport) said. “I am proud to live in a state that supports fair treatment of women and proudly vote in favor of this bill that will help working women maintain economic stability for themselves and their families.”
On average, unfair pay costs each working woman in Connecticut more than $10,000 every year. According to the National Women’s Law Center, women in Connecticut—on average—have to work until age 70 to earn what a man makes by the time he is 60.
The Senate Democrats originally introduced the legislation as a cornerstone of their Democratic Values agenda in order to help employees who take leave for pregnancy and other parental-related leave, is pleased the bill passed.
The bill, which previously passed the House 139-9, now heads to Governor Dannel P. Malloy’s desk for his signature or veto.
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