Marilyn Moore


Marilyn Moore



March 16, 2019

My Testimony in Support of a Competitive Bidding Process for a Casino

Proposed H.B. 7055 An Act Creating the Connecticut Gaming Commission and Creating A Competitive Bidding Process for a Resort Casino

Senator Bradley, Representative Verrengia, ranking members, and members of the Public Safety and Security Committee, thank you for the opportunity to present testimony here today regarding House Bill 7055.

My name is Marilyn Moore, I am a State Senator representing the 22rd Senatorial District which includes Bridgeport, Trumbull, and Monroe. I am a lifelong Bridgeport resident.
I am here today to give testimony regarding the creation of a Gaming Commission and competitive bidding for a resort casino.

Almost a year ago the Bridgeport delegation presented testimony in support of competitive bidding, and the marketing for the casino has not let up. And just as then, the delegation is supportive of the legislation.

The residents in Bridgeport are hungry for an economic engine to ignite opportunities in a city that has been waiting for something to bring it back to life. We would hope Bridgeport would be the destination selected since we have all the attributes to make it accessible; waterfront, rail, and airport.

The current legislation created this year is broader and more appropriate as it sets the stage for gaming in Connecticut by creating a Gaming Commision to oversee the process and report to the committee of cognizance its review of their findings. Furthermore, it puts in place safeguards that only those who are serious entities participate by requiring the responder pay a one-time licensing free of not less than fifty million dollars and protects the State by requiring a proposal to mitigate revenue loss.

These safeguards persuade me to support this legislation.

We as legislators, have an opportunity to craft legislation that is fair and equitable to anyone who is qualified to participate in the bidding process and to determine how the future of gaming plays a role in our quality of life, our vison for Connecticut, and our financial stability.

The legislation proposed requires a workforce development plan that maintains 2,000 jobs. I would clarify that by adding 2,000 full time jobs, and if Bridgeport is the destination, the training should be anchored in Bridgeport.

If we are to have casinos off tribal lands, let’s get it done in a fair, and transparent manner. The final legislation should ensure that the General Assembly has all the safeguards in place before awarding the contract.

Thank you for the opportunity to provide testimony.