HARTFORD, CT – Yesterday, the Human Services Committee held a public hearing and heard testimony on 3 bills. One of the proposals was Senate Bill 1080, “An Act Concerning a Two-Generational Initiative,” a bill that would establish an executive cabinet focused on promoting economic success across generations. Senator Marilyn Moore is chair of the committee.
The bill would establish a Two-Generational Family Economic Success Cabinet and would work to achieve measurable outcomes for families through coordinated efforts with other agencies. The goals would be to drive savings, reduce redundancy, boost impact, and advance racial and socio-economic equity. Cabinet members would include the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management, or the secretary’s designee, and the Commissioners of Early Childhood, Education, Children and Families, Social Services, Public Health, Economic and Community Development, Administrative Services, Housing, Transportation, Correction, and Labor, or each commissioner’s designee.
“Establishing this cabinet is an innovative solution towards improving the health and economic well-being of families,” said Senator Marilyn Moore. “Taking a two-generational approach allows us to look at the family unit in a holistic way and strengthens family voices in the process. Communities succeed when parents and children thrive and this cabinet will help the state to better support and protect our families.”
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