Marilyn Moore


Marilyn Moore



March 30, 2019

Moore Tours Bridgeport With Lehman and Supports Confirmation as DECD Commissioner

SDO photo

State Senator Marilyn Moore (left), David Lehman (center), and Deputy Commissioner of DECD David Kooris (right) at the Dockmaster’s Building.

HARTFORD, CT – This week, Senator Marilyn Moore (D-Bridgeport) voted in support of David Lehman’s confirmation as the commissioner of the Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD). The vote was overwhelmingly bipartisan and passed the Senate with a vote of 28-8.

“Initially I was skeptical of David Lehman’s Wall Street background and how he would serve as Commissioner of DECD,” said Senator Moore. “However, after meeting with him and bringing him on a tour of the city of Bridgeport, I can tell that he is willing to do what it takes to grow jobs in our community. We need to make sure we are focused on attracting businesses and providing support to local development projects. With David as DECD commissioner, I think we are on a path towards strengthening our economy.”

Earlier in the week, Senator Moore and Mr. Lehman toured multiple businesses in Bridgeport, starting with Cherry Street Lofts on 375 Howard Avenue in the West End. Gary Flocco, head of Corvus Capital, the development firm that manages the property, joined them. Finalized in September 2018, the apartment project was made possible through a $35 million investment from the AFL-CIO Housing Investment Trust. It was the trust’s first project in Connecticut. Senator Moore led the effort to secure an additional $1 million in state bonding that helped to develop the property.

In the East End, Senator Moore and Mr. Lehman went to Ashlar Construction and met with Anthony Stewart, managing member of the company. Mr. Stewart and his firm are the developers behind the shopping plaza that plans to be constructed on the Civic Block site on 1206 Stratford Avenue. Plans include a 16,000 square-foot grocery store, and business and retail space. They also met with Doug Wade, CEO of Wade’s Dairy on 1316 Barnum Avenue.
They concluded the day with a visit to Steelepointe Harbor, Bridgeport Boatworks and the Dockmaster’s Building, which plans to open this spring.

“It was great to introduce David to some fantastic Bridgeport-based businesses and to highlight the projects that are still in the works,” Senator Moore said. “Exciting things are happening in Bridgeport and I’m looking forward to working with David and the DECD to expand the innovation and community development that’s taking place in our city.”