Norm Needleman


Norm Needleman



September 10, 2019

Senator Needleman Announces Road Resurfacing Planned in Killingworth and Deep River Through Mid-October

State Senator Norm Needleman (D-Essex) announced today that the Department of Transportation will conduct a milling and resurfacing project in Killingworth and Deep River from Monday, Sept. 16 through Monday, Oct. 14. The project, which concerns Deep River Road, otherwise known as Route 80 in the two towns, will impact local traffic.

Over the month of work, 7.72 miles of Route 80 are planned for resurfacing. Milling will take place Monday, Sept. 16 through Monday, Sept. 23, with resurfacing anticipated to continue through Monday, Oct. 14, the current projected end date.

Motorists can expect lane closures on Route 80 from Route 81 in Killingworth to Route 154 in Deep River, with traffic control personnel and signing patterns assisting drivers through the work zone. Work is scheduled from 6:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday while the project is in progress.

Motorists are asked to maintain safe speed while driving and should be aware the project schedule may be changed or extended in the event of weather delays or other complications.

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