Norm Needleman


Norm Needleman



September 19, 2019

Senator Needleman Announces Traffic Delays For Bridge Maintenance Planning To Occur In East Haddam Sept. 26

State Senator Norm Needleman (D-Essex) announced today that the Department of Transportation will perform project scoping for upcoming bridge rehabilitation in East Haddam on Thursday, September 26. This work, along Route 82 eastbound and westbound, also known as Bridge Road, will involve studies and monitoring of the bridge for future work.

The work is tentatively scheduled for 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sept. 26. Motorists should expect alternating traffic control on Route 82 on that day between Main Street and Bridge Road. Traffic control personnel and signing patterns will help guide motorists through the work zone. Modifications or extensions to the schedule may become necessary in the event of weather delays or other possible changes. Please contact the DOT Office of Communications at 860-594-3062 with any questions.

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