Responding to Governor Ned Lamont’s release of a biennial budget proposal for the 2021-22 fiscal period, State Senator Norm Needleman (D-Essex) released the following statement:
“While I still need time to dig deeper, at first pass, the Governor’s budget proposal is a reasonable starting point for Connecticut,” said Sen. Needleman. “With the state still struggling with the COVID-19 pandemic, this provides the necessary resources to help through this difficult period and begins to lay the groundwork for an economic recovery. I know conversations will continue and changes may yet be made, but the long and short of this budget is it supports our most immediate and pressing needs, looks both to the present and the future and doesn’t include any major tax increases, which protects all those financially impacted by the pandemic. I’d like to thank Governor Lamont and his team for their hard work in putting this budget together.”
Documents regarding the two-year budget proposal released today can be accessed at this link.
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