Today, State Senator Norm Needleman (D-Essex) joined the Senate in passing two bills supporting studies of statutes that impact the state. These include the federal Title IX statute, which prevents discrimination in education on the basis of sex, and the state’s Title 7 statute, which involves the responsibilities of municipal officials. The first study would involve the feasibility of assessing all municipal recreation areas and facilities used for organized sports and public school sports to ensure equity of access for male and female students; the second would seek to update roles largely seen as out-of-date.
“These studies will have valuable benefits in our state,” said Sen. Needleman. “In a state where we are perpetually proud of the UConn women’s basketball team, we should be inspired to ensure all female students have the same access and opportunities to play sports with the resources enjoyed by male students. A potential statewide review of resources available under Title IX would go a long way to support that.”
“Additionally,” Sen. Needleman said, “reviewing and updating Title 7 of the state statutes would provide vital new understanding of the roles and responsibilities of town officials. Many clerks and other town staff feel current statutes are well out-of-date; a review of Title 7 could add better clarity and streamline municipal offices statewide.”
Senate Bill 327, “An Act Establishing A Working Group To Study The Implementation Of Federal Title IX Protections For All Municipal Recreation Areas And School Sports Facilities,” would see a group convened to see if an overarching statewide review of municipal recreation and sports facilities, to ensure the equitability of youth athletic resources for both male and female students, would be viable. Such a study, if determined to be viable, would provide means for the state to identify and improve situations where students are treated separately in the availability and quality of sports resources. This is especially notable with the context of controversies like the U.S. Women’s Soccer Team reaching a settlement with U.S. Soccer to ensure fair compensation for their work in righting inequalities; a review of this level would provide much greater assurance that all students are given the same opportunities to succeed.”
Senate Bill 324, “An Act Establishing A Task Force To Study Title 7 Of The General Statutes,” would see a working group put in place to study Title 7 in state statutes, which involves the responsibilities and duties of town officials such as town clerks. In testimony, the Connecticut Council of Small Towns and Connecticut Town Clerks Association noted that these statutes are largely out of date, and this review would allow for recommendations to streamline municipal processes and provide clarity on the roles and responsibilities of certain positions.
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