Cathy Osten


Cathy Osten



July 12, 2017

Malloy Signs Bill Declaring May 29th “Bob Hope Day”; Third Week in October Male Breast Cancer Awareness Week

Governor Dannel P. Malloy recently signed into law a bill that designates May 29th as “Bob Hope Day” in Connecticut. The law also designates the third week in October as Male Breast Cancer Awareness Week.

The legislation was sponsored by State Senator Cathy Osten (D-Sprague), after both items were brought to her attention by constituents.

Originally proposed as two separate bills establishing “Bob Hope Day” and Male Breast Cancer Awareness Week, the items were folded into Senate Bill 1002 and passed with bipartisan support in both the Senate and House chambers.

“As many people know, Bob Hope entertained thousands of US military troops through the USO and other venues, keeping the spirits of servicemen and women up during extremely difficult times, and it is fitting to honor his gift by designating his birthday, May 29, as ‘Bob Hope Day’ in Connecticut,” said Sen. Osten. “Additionally, the establishment of Male Breast Cancer Awareness Week is a way to heighten public awareness of the disease. Breast cancer affects everyone equally, regardless of sex, and it’s critical that people are aware of it so that they can get checked and seek treatment.”

Sen. Osten noted that several of her male constituents have struggled with the disease and requested that more attention to be brought to it, saying “get checked, it may save your life.”