Cathy Osten


Cathy Osten



January 15, 2019

Senator Osten Applauds Governor Lamont For His Consideration of Unpaid Federal Workers in Connecticut

State Senator Cathy Osten (D-Sprague) this afternoon applauded Governor Ned Lamont for his plan to help furloughed and otherwise unpaid federal workers in Connecticut who are experiencing severe financial stress during the ongoing federal government shutdown.

Earlier today, Sen. Osten submitted her own legislation—LCO 1595—to achieve the same ends as Gov. Lamont, through slightly different means.

“Like Governor Lamont, I’ve been thinking of ways to help people as this situation has stretched on for weeks and weeks,” Sen. Osten said. “I know people are having trouble with simple cash flow—they need to buy food, to put gas in their car, to heat their home. And they’re running out of money.”

Sen. Osten’s proposed bill—which is co-sponsored by several Democratic state senators—would allow the state Department of Labor to assist federal employees who are either furloughed or forced to work without pay to be paid through the state’s unemployment compensation fund. The fund would then be reimbursed by the employee once the federal government shutdown ends and federal employees are paid their back wages.

“A lot of federal employees who are not being paid are public safety workers, putting their lives on the line in prisons or at airport security,” Sen. Osten said. “These are the jobs that protect us day in and day out, and they shouldn’t be treated with disrespect. I want to thank Governor Lamont for his consideration of these hardworking people.”

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